By Indiana State University
Sep 17, 2019
When Karen Torres first set foot on campus, she knew she didn’t want to be just another student at Indiana State.
“I wanted to do something more and get involved and make more connections,” Torres said.After walking around the student involvement fair, Torres, a communication major double concentrating in PR and media studies, decided she was interested in getting involved with Sycamore Video. After her first meeting she was hooked. Her dedication to the organization led Jeffery Perkins, the advisor for Sycamore Video, to bring her into a leadership position.
“First semester I worked very hard in Sycamore Video,” Torres said. “I went out to every single event I could, I helped out in any way I could. I learned how to edit, I learned how to use cameras. I guess Mr. Perkins saw potential in me and saw I was very driven, focused, and dedicated in the organization, so he offered me a position second semester. It was a regular officer position. I was only in charge of “Campus Question”, which is one of the news shows that we have. From there, this year I moved up on the scale and got to my news director position.”
Along with being incredibly involved in Sycamore Video, Torres serves as Alpha Chi Omega’s VP of PR and Marketing and as a Student Ambassador for University Marketing.
Torres has also been applying to become a citizen – of Mexico. Torres was born a United States citizen. Now she also wants to gain citizenship in Mexico.
“It’s a really long process,” Torres said. “I think it takes about six to seven months to finish that all off.” Despite being born and raised in the United States, many of her relatives live in Mexico and dual citizenship would allow her to visit them more easily without worrying about getting a visa. Her parents came to the U.S. from Tabasco, Mexico, looking for work when Karen’s older sister was younger. They only planned to stay a few months, but after having Karen, they decided to stay because the money was good. The dual citizenship process is currently on hold while Torres works through some red tape, so she plans to use a visa in the meantime. However, she wants to get it done in the next few years.
“I have a lot of family there,” Torres said. “It’s kind of hard living in the United States and not having the family here. I grew up not knowing any of my family members other than my immediate family. I didn’t even know the extent of how much family I have.”
Perkins has noticed Torres’ passion for media and leadership skills, and appreciates her involvement in Sycamore Video.
“I knew from the minute I met her she had something about her and seemed very mature and I was excited to try to get her involved in Sycamore Video,” Perkins said. “Karen was such a vital part of our organization. It’s really rare for a freshman to become an officer. She’s a tremendous young woman who works hard. She knows what she wants to do in life and she’s going to go after it.”
Torres hopes to work in a PR firm and potentially start one of her own. She also hopes to take on Capitol Hill one day.
“In my extended future, I want to try to work in the White House as a communications director or a public relations director,” Torres said. “That’s like the dream. I don’t know if it’s going to be possible, but you can always dream.”